Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Rapha Festive 500 - day 7 & 8

Last day of the Rapha 500 today and I ended up on a total of 501,29 kilometers. But to do that I got up just after 4 AM this morning. Started my Garmin at 4:32 and was out for over five hours. Then I was at work for 8½ hours and after work I only had to ride home. More or less. So I am pretty tired right now. Tired but happy with all this good training that I have gotten during this week. A couple of days ago I did not think I was going to make it. But with a strong finnish I did. Now my bike will rest for a few days. Or weeks...

Temperatures between -10 C and -14 C this morning.

Picture from yesterday morning

Picture from yesterday evening.

The long way to work this morning:


  1. Mycket bra! Gratulasjoner fra Norge.

  2. Massive respect from the comingthru crew in Finland!!

  3. Gratulerer! Sterk innsats! Veldig bra rapporter også, inspirerende. Nesten så jeg vurderer å ikke dfra til fjells for å gå på ski neste år..
